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    Lock Screen Art – Happiness Blooms from Within

    Instructions: Click the 'Download Now' button. Right click on the image that appears in the new window. Select download to your phone. Change your lock screen settings to set the image. 

    Happiness Blooms

    Downloadable JPG - Wallpaper Art for your Phone - Kristina Benson Art

    Downloadable JPG - Wallpaper Art for your Phone - Kristina Benson Art'happiness blooms from within'
    Tissue-like pink and fuchsia petals are set off against a stark black. The contrast allows the soft watercolours to gently cascade across the artwork, which gives rise to a gentle softness. Being happy starts with choosing to be happy and growing toward that light. When you nurture what makes you happy inside and allow that to bloom, your outside world will radiate beauty even in the smallest of decisions. Allow the happiness within to you blossom.
    Also available in: Yoga Leggings